I recently finished “The Christ of the Covenants” by O. Palmer Robertson. This is not my first book on covenant theology, nor is it my favorite. However, it is definitely a helpful and informative read.
If you aren’t familiar with covenant theology, it is basically the idea of understanding and interpreting the Bible through God’s divine covenants. This has several implications that I won’t get into here.
I most appreciated the clear connection of all the covenants and his discussion of God’s covenant with Noah. He also does an excellent job of connecting baptism and circumcision. I would have liked more of a treatment in regards to infant baptism and why the baptism/circumcision connection would demand a specific mode of baptism today.
I love this quote from pages 112-113: “The phrase “these are the generations of…” which begins Genesis 6:9 occurs 10 times in Genesis. Each time the phrase indicates the beginning of another major section or the book. This phrase decisively separates the statement that “Noah found grace” (6:8) from the affirmation that Noah was a “righteous man” (6:9). God’s grace to Noah did not appear because of this man’s righteousness, but because of the particularity of God’s program of redemption.”
In conclusion, I would give this book a 3/5.